
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money. ~Cree Indian Proverb

Saturday, 2 February 2013

First ever scale of Pleasure! Marketing Gimmick?

    With 80 participants, neuroscientists from Birkbeck University and Myndplay EEG brainwave reading headsets, the study want to find out how every day pleasures compare. Then make the first ever scale for measuring pleasure.  In association with chocolate brand Beyond Dark and technology company Myndplay, the first ever 'measure for pleasure' has been formulated.

    In an economy where every penny counts, an unexpected windfall generated the highest and most sustained level of pleasure amongst all participants. And winning £10 was all it took to dramatically increase people’s feelings of pleasure.In addition men were revealed as most affected by winning money, scoring as high as 90.1 when they were surprised with £10, while women were less impressed, scoring 79.3.  This EEG experiment proves that money can really buy happiness!

Who are the genius coming up with this scale? Let's put our hand together to welcome ...

Now you vote.

Is this a Marketing Gimmick?

Yes or No.


  1. Since people are saying difficult to measure emotional feelings as it is intangible and come from individual guts. So, they come out with this equipment lor.

    Many Scientists and researchers study on eating chocolates (from cocoa bean) vs happiness. It's an emotional link.

  2. men are more affected by winning money -- is unofficially proven ;P
    how often do you see the lottery winner is a lady? you can do a survey yourself by visiting the lottery betting shop and observe the gender of 'investors'. :)

  3. Agreed. Personally, I think intake more cocoa powder (100% pure) is better than taking chocolate. Because the former lack the sugar. Again, all the studies on eating chocolates are marketing gimmick themselves, yet they are only part of the truth.
